고객님 반갑습니다.


카테고리 검색


총 상품금액 170,000


재질 : COPPER + SILVER + ZINC ALLOY, 기본길이 1m, 판매가는 1개 가격입니다.



* 이젠 와이 케이블도 하이엔드를 추구하는 시대입니다.

* 컴비네이션 상급 버젼

* 기본 길이 - 1M[페어]다양한 길이 선택 가능

*단자는 오디오플러스 금도금단자 미극 dhlabs 순동핀 rca 단자

* 파비안 터미네이션

** 2004년 하이파이초이스의 베스트 인터커넥터상 수상

* 반덴헐의 신기술이 퓨전 테크놀러지로 만든 구리 + 은 + 아연합금 컨덕터

* 메탈 + 탄소의 하이브리드 타입

* 수많은 상을 수상한 컴비네이션과 D-102III의 상위 버젼

↓아래는 INTEGRATION HYBRID DIY케이블에 대한 설명입니다.

Hi-Fi Choice 2004:
Best Interconnect over £100/pair

* 반덴헐의 상급 라인의 언밸런스 DIY용 인터커넥터 케이블

* 2004년 하이파이초이스의 베스트 인터커넥터상 수상

* 음 전달속도와 노이즈를 개선한Fusion Technology” conductors 기술

* 외부 쟈켓은 RF, EMI 대응의 HULLIFLEX 로 이루어짐

* 메탈 + 탄소의 하이브리드 타입으로 뛰어난 해상도와 입체적 스테이지의 형성

* amorphous Cu/Zn/Ag alloy + HYBRID: Linear Structured Carbon ® saturated

layer(s)의 퓨전 테크놀러지 기술은 반덴헐의 하이엔드 역사에  새로운 이정표를 세움

* 어떠한 제품과도 당당하게 비교되는 뛰어난 해상도와 음 밸런스

* 밀도 있는음, 뛰어난 해상력, 보다 넓게 펼쳐지는 무대와 입체감 - 이 가격보다 몇

 배 비싼 케이블보다 훨씬 뛰어난 성능을 자랑합니다.

* 베스트 사운드, 베스트 품질 그리고 만족감

* 새로운 사운드의 세계로 여러분을 안내합니다.


Being the first member of our new state of the art FUSION SERIES of audio interconnects and loudspeaker cables The INTEGRATION HYBRID is a triple shielded quadruple core audio interconnect suitable for both balanced and unbalanced use.

Having integrated all our experience, knowledge and technology into this first “FUSION SERIES” cable, it seemed quite logical to call it: “The INTEGRATION HYBRID”.

As with all products under our FUSION SERIES, in The INTEGRATION HYBRID our new developed highly advanced FUSION conductor material is combined together with our well proven Linear Structured Carbon ® technology.

The INTEGRATION HYBRID’s design is based on our world-wide highly acclaimed D - 102 III HYBRID.

In The INTEGRATION HYBRID the two stranded metal cores have been replaced by four stranded “Fusion Technology” conductors in a so-called star quad configuration.

For the rest all excellent qualities have been maintained, like the applied hybrid technology (where the conductors are embedded in a conductive layer containing our Linear Structured Carbon ®) and the very effective triple layered shielding. And of course its gold coloured jacket is made of HULLIFLEX ®.

The INTEGRATION HYBRID’s audiophile properties are very close to our other toppers The SECOND ® and MC - GOLD HYBRID. There is no sign of any sonic harshness or lack of definition.

Compared to any regular metal cable the highest musical resolution possible now has been achieved!

Next to its regular application in audio systems The INTEGRATION HYBRID is perfectly suited for allround use as a musical instrument or microphone cable:

The cable exhibits an extremely pure and natural sound.

The cable’s low parasitic capacitance presents a low load to the signal source so long runs can be used.

The cable’s internal star quad configuration and its triple shielding render it highly immune to noise.

And last but not least the cable is mechanically very robust: Its “Fusion Technology” conductors are strong and are much less susceptible to breakage due to frequent bending than the standard found copper. Its rugged and hardwearing HULLIFLEX ® jacket furthermore forms an excellent protection.

The INTEGRATION HYBRID is not available on reels or in specified lengths without connectors for do-it-yourself cable making.


Cable Type: Triple screened quadruple core / star quad (Balanced)
Conductor Material: FUSION TECHNOLOGY: amorphous Cu/Zn/Ag alloy + HYBRID: Linear Structured Carbon ® saturated layer(s)
Design Purpose / Application Area(s): Balanced and unbalanced audio interconnect; Microphone and musical instrument cable
Eff. Conductor Ø / Eq. AWG No. / Strands: Cores: 0.16 mm² / Cores: ~AWG 25 / Cores: 7; Screen: 180
External Diameter / -Dimensions: 7.8 mm.
Resistance (20 °C / 68 °F): Cores: 0.43 Ohm/m.; Screen: 0.62 Ohm/100 m.
Capacitance: 86 pF/m. (in balanced star quad mode)
Characteristic Impedance: ~110 Ohm (in balanced star quad mode); Allows AES-EBU standard digital audio transmission
Insulation / Dielectric Strength / Test Voltage: Cores: PE foam; Jacket: HULLIFLEX ® 4 / 300 Vrms min.
Connector Types Suitable: Our RCA type C - 8.0; Neutrik XLR; Neutrik 1/4 (6.3 mm.) Jack/Phone plug; Custom mountable on ordered lengths.
Standard Sales Units / -Lengths: Stereo pair packed with RCA (unbalanced) or XLR (balanced) connectors in 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2 and 1.5 m. lengths.
Other lengths: please consult your van den Hul dealer or the van den Hul distributor in your country.
Jacket Colour(s) Available: Gold tone
Remarks: Connectors need to be factory mounted.
RCA connector terminated units are equipped with a ground-end marking sticker

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며 후루텍 비자기화 처리로 단자나 케이블에 남아있는 마그네틱 성분을 제거하여 보

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